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Saturday, January 31, 2009




but i don't have denggi fever...

mosquitoes on my toe!

mosquitoes on my face!

mosquitoes on my nose!



that's all....


8:59 PM

Debate- The Students - Guy Edition

The  Guys Students of 6.2  2008 are great or are they? Our best reporter Matt goes undercover to look at the guy side of 6.2 and indentify each one's personalities.

6.2 Guys

-Matt  k-Aaron Tan -Christopher W-Trannon-Joel Tan-Zachary P-Bonnie D - Ian Ong -Ezra Pau - Darren Lim - Clarence simon - Darren Chiam - Andy Law-Bryan Sim-Victor N-Darren Chiam

Lets Start with  Matt             

Matt Kueh- He's a great footballer with amazing skills no one get sick of him and his awesome greatness:) A big fan of Aston Villa Fc , He never fails to inspire and barely dissapoints he deserves a huge          91% rating!

Aaron Tan-He's a great wrestler and a great personality he is ver smart and looks like Obama =.=  he never fails to beat out the **** out of evil Teachers such as Miss ***  :)  Aaron Deserves a  96% rating! Walao more than Matt ho?

Chris wong-i have no comment but he likes to tease Trannon thats all  i know. he deserves a 89% rating.(and he likes to beat up tran too) 

Trannon- Trannon (bryan tran) is somewhat annoying some people say and he is teased by Christopher alot and he is not  that popular but he helps alot and he deserves a  71% rating.

Joel Tan-Joel is a great comedian but he gets into trouble doing that. But its awesome we have someone like him in our class! he desrves a 90% rating.

Zachary Pui- He's not the most understandable guy you will meet but he's one of the funnest and average guys you will meet. he needs  a 82% rating!

Bonnie D-A great personality and a great friend. Aaron's friend, he never dissapoints people. Always hospitable and nice.  He Deserves a 96%rating! OI HOW COME MORE THAN MATT? SO BIAS!

Ian Ong- Hes ok and a great friend - 91%

Ezra Pau-He's also a great football friend and does not get into too much trouble and he keeps his cool all the time - 87%

Darren Lim & Darren Chiam- They are both Darrens - 80%

Bryan Sim- some people say he's quite big mouthed but he's ok in attitude. -72%

Andy- NO COMMENT - 79%

Victor Ngui- He's a kind good hearted friend wich gives free cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a good attitude follows - 85%

We end this debate and the Girls edition is coming soon.

5:59 PM

Friday, January 30, 2009
Debate-The Girlz Group

there are many annoying or great groups in the girls side , i am reluctant to type but i am forced to by girlz
for example one such group the batman group, the itchy group, the nerdy group, the too cool for you group, the bimbo group,
lets start!
The Batman Group- associated with the Wrestling group, Members, Yeo Mei, charmz,DA man,
The itchy group-SerenaSia,Janice Wong,Nadia and Janet
The too cool for u group-Patt,Winnie,Karen Ngu
The nerdy group- shien harn, sharon, nathalene,Brenda Tay
The ok group- nathhalene, aliza,lyvonne lau,Sally

Ok lets go on
THE BATMAN GROUP-the batman group rocks...some people say this group is annoying...bla bla bl...but the populace in 6.2 thinks that the BATMAN GROUP ROX.maybe,maybe not :)IN

THE ITCHY GROUP-CMON!!!!! DONT GET ME STARTED!!!! I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THEM!!!!U LIKE THEM DUDE!!!!!!!!:) ANYWAYS, THE GROUP LEADER IS A ****** SOME PEOPLE THINKS.its OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

THe too cool for u group-THE too cool for u group is the mostpopular group in primary six history. and their members have class so it deserves an IN

The Nerdy Group-The nerdy group is not popular it bores people. =.='' they look nerdy especially SHarn =.= hahahha anyways :) it deserves an out

The OK group-i never knew this group actully existed until the end of last year but it does nothing to annoy people and that wht matters :) does it deserves a MODERTE RATING :) I HATE THE ITCHY GROUP oops not supposed to type that aheheheh :)=.=

so this the end for our Debate today dont be offended cos U DESERVE IT HHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!
7:00 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009




3:48 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy CNY

8 am wow....anyways we the team at oneclassforever.blogspot.com wish to wish all you chinese readers a happy chinese new year. GET MONEY FOR AARON....WOOO


7:59 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Debate- The Helpfuls and The Unusefuls- GUY EDITION

The 6.2 2008 class is made up of a few groups here are all of them-

Guys- The Footballing Group-Matthew Kueh,Christopher Wong, Bryan Tran,Ezra Pau, Darren lim

         -The Chiams-Darren Chiam, Victor, Andy Law ,and Bryan Sim,Clarence

          -Wrestlers-Aaron Tan,Ian Ong,and finally Bonnie Donald

           -The Gamerz-Zachary Pui,Joel Tan

So which group is in our OUT?

We Judge the first GROUP-The Footballing Group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The footballing group is a leading force in all groups. Formerly known as the THREE MUSKETEERS when Matt ,chris,and tran was the only one in the group, it slowly expanded when the intrest in football gaines and therefore the name was changed to the FOOTBALLERS GROUP. New members-Ezra,Darren lim. IN

-The Chiams-

This group is a parasite group which Joins other groups but this group contains the most number of members but still it does clings on to other groups for life support.OUT


This Group is an average group at the hieght of its powers but strangely unkown to some people who reconises the FOOTBALLERS better. This is what Matt said in a press conferance in 2008 "The wrestlers need to be more reconizable outside 6.2 like our group.But the wrestlers are a famous group in 6.2 so i think it deserves an IN

-The Gamerz-

This group is virtually  unknown to everyone but it's name lives thannks to one lifeline -Joel Tan , But people do not reconise Joel TAn and Zach to be GAmers but they are still going strong

They deserve a MODERATE RATING

so this is all but watch out for the girls edition coming up soon.

10:35 PM

The Debate- Has 6.2 ever lost glamour?

Classes from all years envy the class 6.2 but was there a time or two when 6.2 was down and out?or losing face? I dont think so but look at the facts....... let me take you back to January 2008~~~~~~~~~~~

January 2008- i arrive at school at 7:15am ready for a long and somewhat torturing year....Our class teacher Cikgu Ho came in and we greeted him. and we made no attepts to talk. We were still unlike the 6.3 next door! DUDE I MEAN THEY ARE THE ONES TO BALME FOR NOT LETTING US GO TO THE TRIP..... ARRRRGGGGHHHHH ~~~we will come back after the break~~~~

Febuary 2008-hi im back finished spilling my anger on 6.3. HEY WHY IS IT ON FEBUARY FAST FORWARD TO OCTOBER!!!!!!

October 2008-i will tell you a story or two~~~~ DID WE LOSE ANY GLAMOUR IN THE UPSR???!!!! maybe cos we fell to 6.1 in terms of BM results but in English,Maths and Science we beat them up silly.

Even Victor got an 'A' for his MATHS can you believe it!!!??? well done VIC!!!!!

So we still got Glamour. We got Style . We got Creativity. WE are SIX POINT TWO

12:36 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Continuation of the .2 ELITE STORY

Yes it is true that we have created some very interesting results when we were together.

BUT SOMEONE HAS CREATED A FEAT NOT ONE ELSE HAS. AND THAT....is....the master of the middle finger, JUSTEA DRINKERS OF ALL JUSTEA DRINKERS. The baddest son of a bitch in the world and I can't help it..but I...have created a record...of the most times my middle finger HAS BEEN PUT UP LETTING YOU LOOK AT IT.

And Matt is ugly.
9:05 PM

6.2 2008 the best class?-Debate

Many Classes could not match T.6.2 supreamacy....even  the 2004 UPSR record breaking classes could not be compared to 6.2. one reason-which class is so united like the class of 6.2 2008?who has great people in the calss and out of the class?for imports,Matthew Kueh, imported from T1.1,Christopher Wong imported from T1.1, Janet Ting, Impoted from T1.1 and Bryan Tran also imported from T1.1 , settled in quickly to the .2 elite even those who came later, like Joel Tan, who joined in Primary 3 and Zachary Pui,Karen Ngu and Brenda Tay whom these came from chinese schools in Primary 4 made themselves no strangers to their new freinds in .2 then.Now fast forward 3 years and here we in 6.2 preparing for the UPSR exams fast forward again later 10months we got our UPSR results back many of us cried but we supported each other as a class.

It was hard for us all if some of us left the .2 elite like Karen Ngu but the spirit of 6.2 lives on forever.MAny argue that 6.2 was the most annoying classes maybe 6.3 think that :) . 

Examples of Loyalty and trust that no other Calsses in Lodge history had-


But we are still the best class lodge ever produced.

The Most CReative

The Most -....i ran out of ideas.

The MOst ummmmmm..errrrr... Nvm.

The MIlestones of LOdge history has been Broken or Produced by 6.2


MAtthew Kueh the hottest LOdgian.

and and and


It has been a pleasant time and 6.2 but its time to move on.......


6:58 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009
The best class in lodge?-6.2 2008

8:40 PM

Xing Nien Meng En ^__^

Nothing important here, just wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, Xing Nien Meng En etc. etc.

God bless you. <3
- Shien Harn
6:53 PM



flashed by the master of the middle finger.

4:24 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Matt is awesome

Have u wondered how 6.2 got this awesome guy?
10:18 PM

New rule


If you go anonymous on the chatbox, wasting space and our time, I'm gonna find out who you are and kick your ass from my class right down to the mud.


flashed by the master of the middle finger, justea drinkers of all justea drinkers, the baddest son of a bitch in the world, RED HOT AARON TAN. 

dedicated to stone cold steve austin.

LOL. again.
7:17 PM


Blue house training/selection was today. First ran 800m ( warm up) the got stretching and then JANET CAME!!! So embarrassing man. janet go wear tight shirt and short pants and tie her hair so kiddy man! i malu standing next to her. She just go to see "coughbenjamincough". ADUH!!! U noe u guys when selection u guys run in the park, right? well... WE RAN ON THE ROAD AND ALMOST GOT KNOCK DOWN BY CARS!! AWESOME RIGHT??!!! i noe u guys jealous... ahaha. Nadia, Mabel and i race. Mable and me got tie, so select again on next, next thursday.

Computer today damn fun, maths today damn fun, assembly today damn boring, BM library damn fun cuz Cikgu Siti go shout at us and charmz and i were laughing like hell. She send Yussuf out of the class and made Bryan Sim stand up and made Faiz stand at the corner. Oh yea! Computer time, u guys all noe tat darren chiam like aliza.. well me and aliza were counting how many time darren look at aliza and u noe how many? just in 2 periods, 40 min + 40 min, he looked at her 54 times!!!! DID U READ IT!!! 54!!! OMG RIGHT??? Anyways, gtg! BYE

THE MAN~~love u!
5:54 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Class Blog

Hi this is Aaron creating this blog specially for 2008 class of 6.2. I will start editing this piece of shit on the weekends. I will start requesting for team members, Hoping that all of you will join this team truthfully and willingly. I seriously hope that you don't find it annoying bla bla bla, and I'm not forcing you to join. Join at your own will.

Headers will be made with some help from others if you want to help, if you want to join this team then well...I guess WELCOME. Remember..ONLY 6.2 ARE ALLOWED.

Let's go to rules and regulations

Only one rule in this blog.

IF YOU SPAM, well that's the end of your reading huh?

Thanks - Aaron -
7:03 PM


we belong to 6.2!!
PROUD to be. :D

wassup all 6.2!!