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Saturday, February 28, 2009

details of today in my blog!! gogogo check it out!!!


8:35 PM

Friday, February 27, 2009


debate was fun. aaron lim's birthday.

today we discussed about the Legalization of Prostitution

no don't wear your glasses or make your degree got higher. this is a real topic. ask charmz or brenda. REAL

there was the government and opposition party. both teams stated very good points. LOL CHARMZ. mervin's voice so funny. den yi yong look like a bitch. haha

anyways when debating, u bang on the table instead of clapping. and you can interrupt the person speaking, and the speaker can make you sit down by saying, "Please sit down". then the speaker will think, "fucking asshole" in his or her head. simple as that.

i don't know which party won but i support.....opposition. because let's say my children cannot study, then they will go ahead and take prostitution as a job. and i wouldn't like that. later i see robert pattinson doing funny stuff to my daughter....OR SON.... =X

im going to hell for saying that.


may i add happy birthday to victor and janice

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to victor and janice,
happy birthday to you assholes~!!!


6:01 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
update for fun...

me and janet...fun,fun,fun!...not...
janice and janet... u noe the guys in the picture at the back of them.... THEY SUCK IN BOWLING DUDE! they all wear like working clothes and they play like shit man. no offense to them.lol
at least i post something... bye...
7:22 PM

Monday, February 23, 2009

so long didn't update liao.
Karen and Brenda and Siti and everyone who edits pictures all edit sooo nice wan.
I tried editing once.
It turned out KANASAI
want me put up?
I actually saved it.
GOOD NIGHT. I go sleep liao.
8:48 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

it's my first post
in our one class forever bloggie!
oh. i miss primary 6 lots.
but you guys are enjoying form 1 eh?
heard lots of news too.

and things changed.
HAIH. i'm glad.
*haih and glad? O.O" *
yeahh. that pm is good. but it hurts a little.
i'm glad for you. x)

wait. let's get back.
6.2 '08.
we're separated ;[

nahh. a superr great picture. so cute right? aww.
that's all.
too bored.
what else to blog about?

and nahh. winniee!
not only ron and you updating this bloggie.
me too xDD


p/s : nadiaa. let me remind you.UPDATEE!


9:07 PM

8:41 PM

Friday, February 20, 2009

fine i'll seriously update now. since im so bored.

my idea of the classes this year in form 1:

ahem ahem.

1A-rocks so much my balls jump back up into my body

1B-quiet class...except for janet

1C-quiet class.....er some things u cannot noe =)


7:42 PM



say somethingg!! BESIDES HI!!!! :P
fine. ive got nothing tooo. -.-
cz im currently freaking mad at something someone.

i lost my voice today!! for yelling at sally AND YEOMEi to drown her their voices. :P
ANDAND ive got no homework!! :D
errrm.. and im sick thanks to someone. SO ill keep cursing you!!!
ANDAND i think form 1's crazy. 7 tests coming up for next week and next NEXT week. O.o sciencemathsenglishbmERTsejarahgeography

and no im not kiddingg. xD dont believe me ask other humans lah! -.-

im gonna be home alone with my bro for.. 2 days and a half. xD - friday(today), saturday, till sunday 4PM. I WANT MUMMY!!!!
LOL i better stop now. :)

im still cursing youuuu! :D and YOU.
6:07 PM



-this is an update-

4:46 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009

weii no one update de.. O.o hmm?

almost everyone sick. LOL hah so hard to breathe. -.- but good also lah. ppl fart i cannot smell. :P
so... i got sand stuck in my toenails. -.- 'cz of da long jump aiyo..
short post.. :)
7:25 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009



14 . 02 .2009

which is




*still one month younger than me hor! :P

happy birthday! :)
9:28 PM

FOOTBALL DEBATE ------ Will Hiddink Save or Destroy CHEALSEA FC's Season?

Guus Hiddink was this week announced as Luiz Felipe Scolari's successor in the Chelsea hot-seat. With the Blues lying fourth in the Premier League standings, the Dutchman faces the unenviable task of resurrecting a richly talented but under-performing team's season. How will his successes and failures over the years influence his reign at Stamford Bridge?

There is no doubt that Hiddink's best club-level coaching to date has been done at the Philips Stadion. It was there that he first announced himself as a top-drawer trainer, leading PSV to the European Cup in 1988 and establishing them as one of the Eredivisie's big boys.

His return a dozen years later was no less laden with silverware, but it is that triumph on the continental front which may prove most vital to Chelsea. Their hopes of capturing the domestic title are now so slim as to be virtually nonexistent, leaving the Champions League as the only realistic chance of glory (FA Cup aside). The last-16 tie with Juventus takes on a whole new light with Hiddink at the helm instead of Scolari; the odds will have swung in the Blues' favour, one must think.

Further, Hiddink also coached The Netherlands national team, Real Madrid, South Korea National Team and Australia.

There is no doubt wether Hiddink is a great coach but is he great enough for the Job?

4:50 PM

Thursday, February 12, 2009
dEBATE= the houses

yellow house- te best house in lodge history with a brilliant athlete in their arsenal-..... MATT!!!!!!!!!!!! Yellow will be gunning to win the title this year.


blue house- Blue is gonna kick our asses

Purple HOuse-DONT GET ME STARTED PURPLE STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Purple cheats !!!! bribing the judges !! eat and smoke enhancing DRUGS !!!!!!! PURPLE DOESNT STAND A CHANCE!!!!!!!!

7:05 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

helloooo people.
din post for long time liao.
some people so suck-up larhz.
my little brother is dumb.
I know I'm mean.
do not get the wrong idea about this post.
school's okay. ron din miss anything. blahhs.
I just fell asleep in Moral bahh.
sitiSHITTY aishah is gonna fall down the stairs.
8:44 PM


hehe im sick!! enjoy ur day at school?

2:53 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

haha yea man..

you know... i have this annoying problem with the aircon? -.- when on. its hot. then. later so cold. set temperature higher. THEN SO HOT. then set colder. then later cold again. then sometimes the remote sotsot one. sometimes cnnt see anything. then whack it like super hard. then can see something. LOL WTF.. -.- anyways.. gtg now bye :)
9:13 PM


this blog is getting more and more boring....

went to bowling today again.. janet went... and her lane was beside aaron lim lane.. and for her first game... she got everything zero.. janice and i help her.. but we didnt hit the pins.. we say tat her lane is unlucky.. won all the rounds again.. lyvonne very good also.. first one i got like 54.. then the second i got 70.. and lyvonne for the second one got 70 also! OMG! we keep on laughing and i think aaron lim think we are crazy.. lol.. fun bah.. i got a STRIKE! awesome man! anyways.... today like so long man.. felt like 1 year liao... bye....
7:49 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

alamak so friggin noisy now. -.- firecrackers
money fly away. :D who cares lah rich people.. :)
8:03 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

9:07 PM

new blog..again!

link me...and go ahead and spam my cbox...wait..i dont have one yet!!

http://electronicthunder.blogspot.com if i'm not mistaken...;D

6:17 PM

POOFF againnn hahahhaa xD

12:41 PM


nice job guys. i'll give you the money on monday...NOT
12:23 PM

changed the blogskin.
dontknow nice onot. sien..

note that my posts will always be this colour. :) beastlyman
10:47 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

yes i am lame. and i will definitely make the blog look better...NOT. cz i dun have the mood...cz im so lazy. so patt and winn if you will, feel free to change the skin.
8:51 PM


I was reading my last year diary... then i read one day tat made me laugh like hell. Remember, last year, one time at bm, there was a rat in our class. then victor was like screaming like hell. he stood up on the chair and scream like a girl. Ahaha. Mr. ho ashamed of him then send him outside.. lol. tat was so funny. Let u guys remember how funny last year was. Miss primary 6...

7:21 PM

are you blind :D

omg can you see !
this blog is suchh a mess ! :D
its time for a blog makeover :D
donee by me :D
wahahahaa :D
the header is even out of size !
comee on ron
could you do any better ! :D wahahah :D
first post in this blog :D wahahaha :D
patt :]
12:33 PM


Random facts :
001. Real name: Aaron Tan

002. Nicknames: ron, secretary
003. Married: nonono
004. Zodiac sign: rat, sagittarius or however u spell it
005. Male or female: male
006. Age: 12 going on 13
007. High school:Lodge school
008. College: swinburne!! no lah...uh...some engineer or lawyer school
009. Residence : your butt =D
010. Hair color: black
011. Long or short hair: short
012. Smoke: if u see me smoke u can slap me

013. Drink: hell yeah!!
014. Available: yeap
015. Are you a health freak?: sorta
016. Weight: 40kg
017. Do you have a crush?: mayyybe....
018. Do you like yourself?: maybbee..
019. Piercings?: testicles...NO LAH!!! XD none.
020. Tattoos?: one on my dick....NO LAH!!! none.
021. Righty or lefty?: ambidextrous. go find in wikipedia


022. First surgery: on my right leg. can see the staple marks. come look lah
023. First piercings: -.
024. First best friend/s: esmond, ian, bonnie
025. First award: kindy sports day
026. First memory: i shit in my pants in school
027. First pet: dunno
028. First vacation: singapore?
029. First concert: dunno
030. First crush:lalala =)


031. Last time you went out: dunno
032. Last time you had a good time: yesterday. class time nonono tuition
033. Last time you cried: when brian chua beat the crap out of me
034. Last award: ASK AGAIN. CHIBAI LARH U
035. Last trip abroad: australia
036. Last concert:ugh... u ask again i kill u
037. Last album you bought: dunno
038. Last song you played: i'm yours jason mraz...i noe its old
039. Last phone call: mum
040. Last laugh: last nite
Pick one:

041. Summer or Winter?: summer. i nidda get a tan
042. Rainy or sunny?: sunny obviously
043. Britney or Christina?: lady gaga...o.o what?
044. TV or Youtube?: youtube. can watch more wrestling or "stuff" THAN ON TV XD
045. Oprah or Tyra?: ellen. XD
046. McD's or KFC?: McD
047. Soccer or tennis?: soccer. cz tennis need to make UGH sound when u hit
048. New York or San Francisco?: um....new york

049. Watching: porn nothing
050. Drinking: nothing
051. Wearing: nothing
052. I'm about to: sneeze
053. Listening to: birds chirping outside...so peaceful

054. Food: laksa
055. Drinks: justea and pepsi
056. Colours: black red yellow.
057. Numbers: 7 and 12.

Your future:

058. Want kids : giving sperm away is nice...
059. Want to get married?: yep

061. Goals: become engineer, lawyer or chef
062. Where will you live?: canada, australia. depends on where i wanna go study...but i dun wanna marry angmo. later my children ugly
063. Buy a house?: yea like tin peck king's wan
064. Buy a car?: lamborgini gallardo. let my parents drive. LOL
068. Eyes or lips?: eyes
069. Hugs or kisses?: u noe i like penetration better
070. Shorter or taller?:shorter...or same height
071. Lean or plump?: y no muscular wan?
072. Romantic or spontaneous?: both
073. Nice stomach or nice arms?: um...both...not too fat. or not fat at all!
074. Sensitive or loud?: both
075. Hook-ups or relationships?: pee.

Have you ever:

076. Bungee-jumped?: Nope.
077. Shook hands with someone important?: nope
078. Kissed a stranger ?: nope
080. Lost contacts / glasses?:nope
081. Ran away from home?: nope
082. Liked someone younger?:nope.
083. Liked someone older?: celebrities yes.
084. Broken someone's heart?: dono. ppl never tell me dey like me leh.

085. Been arrested?:nope
086. Turned someone down?: yeah...feels good...
087. Cried when someone died?: nope
088. Liked a friend?: yea..i love my friends.

Do you believe in:

089. Yourself?: Yes.
090. Miracles?:yea....
091. Love at first sight?: nope
092. Heaven?: Yes.
093. Santa Claus?: No.
094. Sex on the first date?: cool...
095. The more you hate, the more you love?: nope.
096. Angels?: yea got one behind me with a knife. uh-oh

Answer truthfully:

097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?: yes.
098. Had more than one boyfriend / girlfriend at a time?: oooo playboy...
099. Do you believe in God?: oh YEA BABY
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game?: i will definitely do it.


you should be happy that i tagged and asshole. see you around...
10:07 AM

Friday, February 6, 2009

matt is so self-obsessed he can go and ARRGH .. something.
ooh ooh ooh and this is counted as an update.
and my first post on this blog.
OH and next friday is friday da THIRTEENTH.
I hope Siti Aishah fall down the stairs.
9:46 PM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
100 question thingy...

Random facts :
001. Real name: Amanda Chua

002. Nicknames: the man, manman, manda,panda....
003. Married: nope
004. Zodiac sign: gemini
005. Male or female: Female
006. Age: turning 13 in june...
007. High school:Lodge school
008. College: yale...or harvard but we all noe i not good enough one
009. Residence : a house lah
010. Hair color: black and a bit brown (highlights.. natural one!)
011. Long or short hair: long
012. Smoke: smell the box but never smoke...
013. Drink: yeah.. drank like 5 bottles of beers in penang! then tat night vomit like hell..
014. Available: like DUH!
015. Are you a health freak?: dunno wat u mean....
016. Weight: 50kg.. i noe lah..very heavy.. so wat?
017. Do you have a crush?: of course lah.. u noe, i so weird.. everyday change people one..
018. Do you like yourself?: not really....
019. Piercings?: Ears
020. Tattoos?: no lah.. scary and painful
021. Righty or lefty?: Righty.


022. First surgery: None
023. First piercings:primary 4...
024. First best friend/s: Cindy something from rhema then serena at primary 1...
025. First award: coloring contest at rhema
026. First memory: coming out from my mum... and seeing her face..everyone got same first memory lah.
027. First pet: 2 fish... and all of them died... buy 7 fish last time and all of them die the same time... aduh...
028. First vacation: i think penang... not sure
029. First concert: ballet concert.. i was one of the dancers.. unbelievable right?ahaha
030. First crush:primary 6...


031. Last time you went out: today... went bowling
032. Last time you had a good time: just now... bowling!
033. Last time you cried: eh? lerm.. like.. last week...
034. Last award: coloring contest in rhema.. ahaha. so long time ago..
035. Last trip abroad: Penang
036. Last concert: Avant Garde concert.
037. Last album you bought: David cook, david archuleta and katy perry...
038. Last song you played: connected
039. Last phone call: Aliza!
040. Last laugh: just now.. bowling...

Pick one:

041. Summer or Winter?: Winter.
042. Rainy or sunny?: Rainy... very windy bah.....
043. Britney or Christina?: Neither.
044. TV or Youtube?: Youtube! guess why!.... lets say it starts with a p... Its not porn! NOT! dont u evern think bout it.
045. Oprah or Tyra?: Oprah.. tyra is a loser! she suck like hell!
046. McD's or KFC?: McD!
047. Soccer or tennis?:erm.. Tennis.. cuz can hit ppl with the "ball".. or in the "ball"..lol
048. New York or San Francisco?: New York... got CSI New York...ahaha


049. Watching: Rush hour 3.. Jackie Chan is Awesome man!.
050. Drinking: coke!Fizzy! ahaha! Fizzy!!
051. Wearing:PJK shirt (bowling bah) and short pants...
052. I'm about to: bang my head on the table...
053. Listening to: Taylor Swift


054. Food: MCD... double cheese burger,.. ahaha
055. Drinks: Fizzy all the way.. sometimes coke lah
056. Colours: blue,green,red.. all the dark dark colors
057. Numbers: 7... ron also like 7.. cuz 7 is an awesome number... see... 7 i love 7! 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 !ahaha

Your future:

058. Want kids : duh... having baby is painful.. but so wat? its like a miracle.. lol
059. Want to get married?: yea.. sure!
060. Life: okay okay lah... hope it gets better...
061. Goals: write a book with aliza.. cuz we both wanna become writers...
062. Where will you live?: i wanna live in USA!
063. Buy a house?: live in hotal nicer.. like zack and cody ... but buy house also can..
064. Buy a car?:DUH! i want a one without a roof.. ahaha.. fun bah.. got wind in ur hair.. then got bird shit..ahaha
068. Eyes or lips?: eyes
069. Hugs or kisses?: Both...
070. Shorter or taller?:middle... a bit taller.. but not too tall.
071. Lean or plump?:lean lah.. who wanna become plump..
072. Romantic or spontaneous?: both.. always both....
073. Nice stomach or nice arms?: both..
074. Sensitive or loud?: i am already loud! and i'm also sensitive! cool! ahaha
075. Hook-ups or relationships?: wats the different? if ur hook- up ur in a relationship lah.. issit?

Have you ever:

076. Bungee-jumped?: Nope.
077. Shook hands with someone important?: Nope.. i so low quality one.. lol
078. Kissed a stranger ?: no way!
080. Lost contacts / glasses?:never... i so protective of my glasses
081. Ran away from home?: wanted to.. but never
082. Liked someone younger?:nope.
083. Liked someone older?: like tat person as a friend yes.. like a person as a bf .. nope
084. Broken someone's heart?: a bit.. crack a bit nia..
085. Been arrested?:nope
086. Turned someone down?: Yes.
087. Cried when someone died?: Yes
088. Liked a friend?: hmm... yes.. but last year.. this year.. nope

Do you believe in:

089. Yourself?: Yes.
090. Miracles?:if i say yes.. and u believe then tat was a miracle! OMG! a miracle just happen! and yes.. i do..
091. Love at first sight?: yup.. read too much romance novel...
092. Heaven?: Yes.
093. Santa Claus?: No.
094. Sex on the first date?: EWW!! no!! dude, u have a sick brain.. just like me! HIGH5!!
095. The more you hate, the more you love?: nope.. the more i hate, the more i hate.. ahaha
096. Angels?: Yes.

Answer truthfully:

097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?: yes.
098. Had more than one boyfriend / girlfriend at a time?:nope.. i would never..
099. Do you believe in God?:duh!
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game?: yes.. i tag...matt.charmz,winn,ron,ym,janice,lyvonne,nadia and siti( if she read this blog)

6:40 PM


Hey guys! just got back from bowling.... played with sharon, nadia janice! Janet didnt go ! AWESOME! First have to set up the stuff.. the the round 1 we all simply play(except me lah lol) anyways.. i got 60 and i won...im not proud! sharon almost beat me but didnt.... sad man.. i want her to win.. then second round.. and the total marks for me is 54.. won again.. Janice.. so funny man.. she kept on getting zero for the first 5 then we go help her still get zero! ahaha.. in the end she got like 20 ++! had so much fun! won 2 rounds! BOOO!!! i want sharon win.. oh well.. lots of cute guys.. ahaha

6:11 PM

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Report-The Most Annoying guys in Form 1 currently

So far this month 

Darren Ha & Goh Tee Wei has been voted the most annoying this month.

7:42 PM


Just because it has barbie inside doesnt mean its lame. WATCH IT!

The Lyrics

I'm blind-folded on this carriage ride that they call life.
Keep trying to make it through the next turn, knuckles white and holdin' tight.
So here I go, takin' the curve,
but I know that I'm never alone.
I think of you, and how you never let me go.

I feel connected (connected), protected (protected), it's like you're sitting right with me all the time.
You hear me (you hear me), you're near me (you're near me),
and everything else is gonna be alright.
'Cause nothing can break this, nothing can break this, nothing can break this tie.
Connected... oooooh connected inside.

It's not an accident, the time we spent apart.
But now we're so close, I can always find you right here in my heart.
You've given me, somethin' I need, and I don't ever want it to end.
Because of you, I know I've found my strength again.

I feel connected (connected), protected (protected), it's like you're sitting right with me all the time.
You hear me (you hear me), you're near me (you're near me),
and everything else is gonna be alright.
'Cause nothing can break this, nothing can break this, nothing can break this tie.
Connected... ooooh connected inside.

Everytime that I breathe, I can feel the energy.
Reachin' out, flowin' through, you to me and me to you. Make A Dream,
Walk a Step, you are everywhere I am.
Seperate souls, unified, touching at the speed of light.

oh, light, oh whoa YEAH

I feel connected (connected), protected (protected), it's like you're sitting right with me all the time.
You hear me, you're near me,
and everything else's gonna be alright.
connected (connected), protected (protected), it's like you're sitting right with me all the time.
You hear me, you're near me,
and everything else's gonna be alright.

'Cause nothing can break this, nothing can break this, nothing can break this tie.

connected, connected inside, connected, connected inside, connected.

oh Yeah!
2:10 PM


we belong to 6.2!!
PROUD to be. :D

wassup all 6.2!!